
This week we are finishing up on our genres and writing our references. As I have mentioned before, I am doing my connecting genre on power point. I have been very busy this week and have not had the chance to sit down and really be able to focus on it. I arrived at my house in Bridgeport yesterday and am going to work on it while I am here. Sometimes I feel like I can concentrate more when I am not in my apartment—I get distracted there too easily. I am going to email my references to the mailing list too. While I have been finding information, I have been keeping track of all my resources. Now, all I need to do is organize and put them in APA form. Although, I feel like I have a lot of work to do, I left my weekend open so that I would have enough time to get everything done. Between this and my other classes, time seems to go by too fast!!

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Well this week went well. We were supposed to keep researching and working on our projects, while still helping people in our group. As I continue to do my research, I am finding that it is easier to get information off the World Wide Web than it is to get off Marshall’s library site. I think it’s because I feel more comfortable using the World Wide Web because that is what I am used to. The problem is that I have to be sure the site I am using is trust worthy; I do not want to be putting information that is not valid. I’ve been continuing to use the library search because I know it is valid and is a place to find good sources and, actually, the more I use it, the better I am able to find the information that I want. So, hopefully, when I am done with my project, I will have good resources AND be able to use the library search more often to my advantage. Not to jump to another subject, but, I have decided that I am going to do power point as my genre to bring everything together. I think this will be a good way to connect all the genres. I hope that will work!!

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Well this week went along pretty well. My goal for this week was to keep on try’in with my research and not get discouraged. Like I’ve said before, I get pretty nervous and stressed with school assignments, so I’m trying to not do that as much. This week I continued to work on my MRP and come up with another genre. As of now, I am still not sure which one is going to be next. I have been trying to figure out how I am going to connect all of my genres together. I’ve been brainstorming on the best way to do that. Even though I am not going to work on it until all of the other ones are done, it is important that I figure out which genre I am going to use for bringing them together. I thought a lot about it while we were talking on MOO and got to hear a lot of ideas, so that was positive for me. As I’ve been writing, I checked my project prospectus and I think I am going to do a referral letter for my next genre. I’m not sure what all that includes and I really haven’t learn about referral letters yet (I’m assuming I will learn more about them in one of my classes at a later time), so I may be at a disadvantage.

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October 2024
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