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October 2024
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Interview Today I had an
interview with a lady named Renee White. Her mother, Patty...
by jnc913 (12/9/02, 4:38 AM)
Journal JOURNAL ENTRY #1 Where
to start… Things have been so difficult here lately. It's...
by jnc913 (12/9/02, 4:25 AM)
Table of Contents ~ Preface
~ Acknowledgements ~ About the Author ~ Webliography ~ Powerpoint...
by jnc913 (12/9/02, 12:43 AM)
12/08/02 (Reflection) Wow! Let
me just say that I think we have covered a lot...
by jnc913 (12/9/02, 12:41 AM)
11/24/02 (this journal entry was
done on 11/24/02, but was not posted til later due...
by jnc913 (12/9/02, 12:39 AM)
References Alacritude, LLC. (2002).
Retrieved November 8, 2002, from Ferrand, C.T., Bloom, R.L. (1997)....
by jnc913 (12/8/02, 11:08 PM)
Letter to daughter Dear Mrs.
Renee White, I am sending you this letter as a...
by jnc913 (12/8/02, 7:00 PM)
Webliography Julie's Webliography **~FUN
STUFF~** Want to find out what this month will bring you?...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:38 PM)
Julie's Email Address If you
have a question or would like to comment on something...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:13 PM)
E-mail Exchange Donna, How
are things down in Florida? Everything's going OK here. The grandkids...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:10 PM)
Poem TALKING Becomes harder, Tricky,
tough, frustrating, People cannot understand me; Awkward. Go back to...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:07 PM)
Powerpoint This
is a presentation to provide you with more information about Parkinson's disease. size:...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:06 PM)
Here's a little info about
myself... My name is Julie and I am 21. I...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:05 PM)
Thank you's to... First, I
would like to thank my grandfather, since he is the...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:04 PM)
Before you read everything, you
should know... I started and have been working on this...
by jnc913 (12/6/02, 4:02 PM)
Project Prospectus Research Question &
Foundation Question: Why do SLP's work with Parkinson's disease patients?...
by jnc913 (12/3/02, 2:50 AM)
Julie's Weblog Welcome to my
Weblog!!! This is a product of a class that I...
by jnc913 (11/25/02, 4:29 PM)
11/17/02 Well, let me first
start out by saying that I changed my unifying genre...
by jnc913 (11/18/02, 2:12 AM)

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