A 2.3.4: Inquiry and Literacy

What are the three "R"s of inquiry and why does the author find these
so important?

The three "R"s of inquiry are reading, writing, and research. The author, Raymond G. McInnie finds these skills very important and believes teachers should teach their students how to do these skills so
that they will not be afraid of research and not be insecure to learn.
McInnie says that it is more important to "know how" than to just simply "know that".When you feed students information they are going to "know that" about whatever piece of information they have been
given. However, when you make students "know how" they must be able to formulate the problem into an answerable question, choose the appropriate evidence, and so forth. Researching is an activity in which one must "know how" and not just "know that". In order to research, it is necessary to read (achieve understanding) and write (recording the data).
Therefore McInnie says that it is important for students to be able to do these three tasks because it makes them actually think and "know how". Most students "pile up information" that is given to them and then, unfortunately, have trouble "sorting it out" and making use of the information. It is necessary for students to not expect to have the information given to them. They need to be able to examine the evidence on their own & come up with an answer without someone simply straight out providing the answer. The three "R"s of inquiry is how they can do this; that is why McInnit believes they are so important.

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Foundation Questions

How does Parkinson's disease affect one's speech?

1. What is Parkinson’s disease?

2. Is Parkinson’s disease classified as a disease of the muscle or of the brain?

3. In what areas of the brain does Parkinson’s disease affect?

4. Does it play a role in the firing of signals between the neurons? If so, How?

5. What happens to a person’s muscles (in general and then get specific—LCA, tongue, etc) when they have Parkinson’s disease?

6. Does the disease play a role on the respiratory system? And if so, How?


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Learning Needs

What are the areas of professional practice that capture my interest (this might be a disorder, anything relating to treatment or diagnosis, etc.)? With respect to this general topic, what would an essential question for me be? What do I already know about this topic? What don't I know about this topic?

My interest has not changed from the last assignment that was similar to this one. I am still interested in finding out information on people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. My question before was asking what exactly Parkinson’s disease was and how did it affect the body. After talking with other classmates, and getting ideas from them, I have now narrowed my question to be more specific. A good essential question for me would be ‘How does Parkinson’s disease effect one’s speech?’

I don’t know a lot about this topic. Although, I did know that the person’s speech turns into almost a whisper; I’m not sure if the voice quality would be considered a harsh voice or a hoarse voice. After looking up some sites from this week’s assignments, I learned that the SLP finds different ways to help the client talk loudly so that other’s can hear the client. I do not know what exactly why the voice changes. Is it a neurological problem or is it because the muscles don’t work properly? Or is it a combination of both? These are things I am going to have to find out.


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